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Health & Wellness

Health Policies


If your child will need to take medication while at school, the nurse must have on file a current physician's order prior to administration. All medication must be in the original labeled bottle and include the students name, medication, and dosage.

Food Allergies

If the student has a severe enough allergy to warrant an epi-pen at home, it is recommended that one be kept at school. Please see above regarding medication at school.

We ask that all snacks and treats be healthy and peanut-free. Since snacks and some treats are eaten outside of the cafeteria, if peanut butter is eaten in these locations, it can contaminate playground or classroom equipment. Your child is still welcome to bring peanut products at lunch because there is a designated area to keep children with allergies safe and hands are washed after lunch. We really appreciate your help is keeping your child's snacks healthy and peanut free!

Extra Clothing

A limited supply of extra clothes is available in the health room. Please launder the clothing and return it to the school.

It is also a good idea to keep an extra change of clothes in your students backpack or locker in case of accidents, spills, mud puddles, etc.

Dismissal of Ill Students

If the student is sick or has an injury while at school every attempt to contact the parents/guardians will be made. After 30 minutes, emergency contacts may be called.

Ill students should typically be dismissed by the nurse but in special circumstances may be dismissed by teacher, principal, secretary, or appointed personnel.

Exclusion Policy

To help reduce absences, it is crucial to keep ill students homeStudents may be dismissed from school with:

- Severe cold, cough, sore throat, sneezing, or headache, even without a fever.

-  Purulent draining eyes

- Sudden rash accompanied with fever

- Suspicion of contagious diseases, especially if the child has been exposed.

- Vomiting, diarrhea/upset stomach, fever, pink eye, strep throat.


Students have to be symptom-FREE for 24 hours without the use of medication before returning to school.

An Influenza or Covid Diagnosis is an automatic 5-day exclusion, with first day of symptoms counting as Day 0.

*Fever Free (under 100.0) without fever-reducing medication

*Vomit Free

*Diarrhea/upset stomach Free

*Pink Eye- On medication for 24 hours or a note from a physician stating okay to return prior to the 24-hour mark

*Strep Throat- On medication for 24 hours

*Lice- Hair has been treated with an antiparisitic. Nurse will check hair prior to return to classroom.

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Keeping Healthy

  • Here are some key points to remember to keep our students healthy:

    1. Good hand washing: Using soap and water is best practice but hand sanitizer can be used if soap and water are not available. If hands are visibly dirty, then soap and water is a must.

    2. Respiratory Etiquette: Covering coughs and sneezes using the elbow instead of the hands. It is also good practice to use a tissue only once and wash hands or use hand sanitizer after using a tissue.

    3. Social distancing: It is crucial that we keep students home when they are ill and that they not return until they are symptom free for 24 hours. Students must be fever free without the aid of fever reducing medications for 24 hours before returning.

    4. Please keep your child home if they are really not feeling well, even if they are technically "okay" to come to school. This will help us keep illnesses to a minimum.

    5. The school nurse is NOT here to diagnose illnesses. Please see your family health care provider if you think your student requires medical attention.

    It is recommended that families think ahead of time of a backup plan in case students are sick and need to be kept home. Please make sure the school has up-to-date phone numbers to reach parents. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the school nurse.